Predictive Research Plans
Find out what the market is willing to pay by running a market study. Either as a stand-alone, adhoc study, or as part of a package in study subscription. Check out our Predictive Research plans below.
Choose a plan to suit your organization's need
AdhocRun individual studies when needed and pay as you go.
SubscriptionSubscribe to a multi-study plan and get additional features plus volume discounting.
Use Cases
Local Price Optimization
International Price Optimization
Basic |
Global Brand Optimization
International Innovation
Powerful, built-in per-study reporting
Cross-study analysis & insights, locally and internationally
Own custom reporting & dashboards
Post-Study Simulation
Integrate with other systems
Enterprise access control & data compliance
Designated account manager
Personalized training
Online videos
Usage planning, allocation, and reporting
Business advice on results, via meetings, email & chat
Terms & Fees
Research Credits (e.g. one CWTP study = 1.5 credits)
N/A |
From 24+
Access to repeat-scope discounts
Price for one Essential CWTP / VA/ PL study