Ranking Analysis MaxDiff
PriceBeam's Ranking Analysis (MaxDiff), based on the industry-standard method of MaxDiff. Ranking Analysis is a powerful research technique used to measure the preference or importance of various attributes, features, or items. In new product development, it can be used to identify the most valued features, refine concepts, and optimize marketing messages.
PriceBeam Ranking Analysis is part of the PriceBeam RGM360 Solution
What is Ranking Lab?
Ranking Lab (MaxDiff) helps understand consumers’ preferences for a product as a whole or product features (Flavour, Packaging, Brands, etc.) by comparing them and providing expert out-of-the-box analysis. PriceBeam’s Ranking Lab study is based on the popular scientific methodology of Choice-Based Conjoint testing a single Attribute (Brand, Flavours, etc.) across a variety of levels / options, e.g.: Original, Cherry, Banana flavours, etc..
Traditional vs MaxDiff
MaxDiff is an effective survey research technique used to measure the relative importance or preference of various items within a set. Unlike traditional rating scales, which can suffer from biases and inconsistent responses, MaxDiff requires respondents to identify the most and least preferred items from subsets presented in each question. This method forces respondents to make clear trade-offs, resulting in more accurate and reliable data that truly reflects consumer preferences.
Who an RL study is for?
Innovation Teams:
MaxDiff helps innovation teams understand which features, attributes, or benefits customers value the most and ensure the product development process is aligned.
Marketing Teams:
MaxDiff helps marketing teams create targeted messaging and more effective product positioning by focusing on the attributes that matter most to the audience.
Industries that benefit from Ranking Lab:
Home Care
Pet Food
Consumer Electronics
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